Node Embedding Attack and Defense

In this section, we introduce the node embedding attack algorithms and corresponding victim models provided in DeepRobust.

Node Embedding Attack

Node embedding attack aims to fool node embedding models produce bad-quality embeddings. Specifically, DeepRobust provides the following node attack algorithms:

They only take the adjacency matrix as input and the adjacency matrix is in the format of scipy.sparse.csr_matrix. You can specify the attack_type to either add edges or remove edges. Let’s take a look at an example:

from import Dataset
from deeprobust.graph.global_attack import NodeEmbeddingAttack
data = Dataset(root='/tmp/', name='cora_ml', seed=15)
adj, features, labels = data.adj, data.features, data.labels
model = NodeEmbeddingAttack()
model.attack(adj, attack_type="remove")
modified_adj = model.modified_adj
model.attack(adj, attack_type="remove", min_span_tree=True)
modified_adj = model.modified_adj
model.attack(adj, attack_type="add", n_candidates=10000)
modified_adj = model.modified_adj
model.attack(adj, attack_type="add_by_remove", n_candidates=10000)
modified_adj = model.modified_adj

The OtherNodeEmbeddingAttack contains the baseline methods reported in the paper Adversarial Attacks on Node Embeddings via Graph Poisoning. Aleksandar Bojchevski and Stephan Günnemann, ICML 2019. We can specify the type (chosen from [“degree”, “eigencentrality”, “random”]) to generate corresponding attacks.

from import Dataset
from deeprobust.graph.global_attack import OtherNodeEmbeddingAttack
data = Dataset(root='/tmp/', name='cora_ml', seed=15)
adj, features, labels = data.adj, data.features, data.labels
model = OtherNodeEmbeddingAttack(type='degree')
model.attack(adj, attack_type="remove")
modified_adj = model.modified_adj
model = OtherNodeEmbeddingAttack(type='eigencentrality')
model.attack(adj, attack_type="remove")
modified_adj = model.modified_adj
model = OtherNodeEmbeddingAttack(type='random')
model.attack(adj, attack_type="add", n_candidates=10000)
modified_adj = model.modified_adj

Node Embedding Victim Models

DeepRobust provides two node embedding victim models, DeepWalk and Node2Vec:

There are three major functions in the two classes: fit(), evaluate_node_classification() and evaluate_link_prediction. The function fit() will train the node embdding models and store the embedding in self.embedding. For example,

from import Dataset
from deeprobust.graph.defense import DeepWalk
from deeprobust.graph.global_attack import NodeEmbeddingAttack
import numpy as np

dataset_str = 'cora_ml'
data = Dataset(root='/tmp/', name=dataset_str, seed=15)
adj, features, labels = data.adj, data.features, data.labels
idx_train, idx_val, idx_test = data.idx_train, data.idx_val, data.idx_test

print("Test DeepWalk on clean graph")
model = DeepWalk(type="skipgram")

After we trained the model, we can then test its performance on node classification and link prediction:

print("Test DeepWalk on node classification...")
# model.evaluate_node_classification(labels, idx_train, idx_test, lr_params={"max_iter": 1000})
model.evaluate_node_classification(labels, idx_train, idx_test)
print("Test DeepWalk on link prediciton...")
model.evaluate_link_prediction(adj, np.array(adj.nonzero()).T)

We can then test its performance on the attacked graph:

# set up the attack model
attacker = NodeEmbeddingAttack()
attacker.attack(adj, attack_type="remove", n_perturbations=1000)
modified_adj = attacker.modified_adj
print("Test DeepWalk on attacked graph")
model.evaluate_node_classification(labels, idx_train, idx_test)