Source code for deeprobust.graph.defense.node_embedding

Code in this file is modified from

'Adversarial Attacks on Node Embeddings via Graph Poisoning'
Aleksandar Bojchevski and Stephan Günnemann, ICML 2019
Copyright (C) owned by the authors, 2019
import numba
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
import networkx as nx
from gensim.models import KeyedVectors
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, roc_auc_score, average_precision_score, accuracy_score

class BaseEmbedding:
    """Base class for node embedding methods such as DeepWalk and Node2Vec.

    def __init__(self):
        self.embedding = None
        self.model = None

    def evaluate_node_classification(self, labels, idx_train, idx_test,
            normalize_embedding=True, lr_params=None):
        """Evaluate the node embeddings on the node classification task..

        labels: np.ndarray, shape [n_nodes]
            The ground truth labels
        normalize_embedding: bool
            Whether to normalize the embeddings
        idx_train: np.array
            Indices of training nodes
        idx_test: np.array
            Indices of test nodes
        lr_params: dict
            Parameters for the LogisticRegression model

        [numpy.array, float, float] :
            Predictions from LR, micro F1 score and macro F1 score

        embedding_matrix = self.embedding

        if normalize_embedding:
            embedding_matrix = normalize(embedding_matrix)

        features_train = embedding_matrix[idx_train]
        features_test = embedding_matrix[idx_test]
        labels_train = labels[idx_train]
        labels_test = labels[idx_test]

        if lr_params is None:
            lr = LogisticRegression(solver='lbfgs', max_iter=1000, multi_class='auto')
            lr = LogisticRegression(**lr_params), labels_train)

        lr_z_predict = lr.predict(features_test)
        f1_micro = f1_score(labels_test, lr_z_predict, average='micro')
        f1_macro = f1_score(labels_test, lr_z_predict, average='macro')
        test_acc = accuracy_score(labels_test, lr_z_predict)
        print('Micro F1:', f1_micro)
        print('Macro F1:', f1_macro)
        return lr_z_predict, f1_micro, f1_macro

    def evaluate_link_prediction(self, adj, node_pairs, normalize_embedding=True):
        """Evaluate the node embeddings on the link prediction task.

        adj: sp.csr_matrix, shape [n_nodes, n_nodes]
            Adjacency matrix of the graph
        node_pairs: numpy.array, shape [n_pairs, 2]
            Node pairs
        normalize_embedding: bool
            Whether to normalize the embeddings

        [numpy.array, float, float]
            Inner product of embeddings, Area under ROC curve (AUC) score and average precision (AP) score

        embedding_matrix = self.embedding
        if normalize_embedding:
            embedding_matrix = normalize(embedding_matrix)

        true = adj[node_pairs[:, 0], node_pairs[:, 1]].A1
        scores = (embedding_matrix[node_pairs[:, 0]] * embedding_matrix[node_pairs[:, 1]]).sum(1)
        # print(np.unique(true, return_counts=True))
            auc_score = roc_auc_score(true, scores)
        except Exception as e:
            auc_score = 0.00
            print('ROC error')
        ap_score = average_precision_score(true, scores)
        print("AUC:", auc_score)
        print("AP:", ap_score)
        return scores, auc_score, ap_score

[docs]class Node2Vec(BaseEmbedding): """node2vec: Scalable Feature Learning for Networks. KDD'15. To use this model, you need to "pip install node2vec" first. Examples ---- >>> from import Dataset >>> from deeprobust.graph.global_attack import NodeEmbeddingAttack >>> from deeprobust.graph.defense import Node2Vec >>> data = Dataset(root='/tmp/', name='cora_ml', seed=15) >>> adj, features, labels = data.adj, data.features, data.labels >>> idx_train, idx_val, idx_test = data.idx_train, data.idx_val, data.idx_test >>> # set up attack model >>> attacker = NodeEmbeddingAttack() >>> attacker.attack(adj, attack_type="remove", n_perturbations=1000) >>> modified_adj = attacker.modified_adj >>> print("Test Node2vec on clean graph") >>> model = Node2Vec() >>> >>> model.evaluate_node_classification(labels, idx_train, idx_test) >>> print("Test Node2vec on attacked graph") >>> model = Node2Vec() >>> >>> model.evaluate_node_classification(labels, idx_train, idx_test) """ def __init__(self): # = self.node2vec_snap super(Node2Vec, self).__init__() = self.node2vec
[docs] def node2vec(self, adj, embedding_dim=64, walk_length=30, walks_per_node=10, workers=8, window_size=10, num_neg_samples=1, p=4, q=1): """Compute Node2Vec embeddings for the given graph. Parameters ---------- adj : sp.csr_matrix, shape [n_nodes, n_nodes] Adjacency matrix of the graph embedding_dim : int, optional Dimension of the embedding walks_per_node : int, optional Number of walks sampled from each node walk_length : int, optional Length of each random walk workers : int, optional Number of threads (see gensim.models.Word2Vec process) window_size : int, optional Window size (see gensim.models.Word2Vec) num_neg_samples : int, optional Number of negative samples (see gensim.models.Word2Vec) p : float The hyperparameter p in node2vec q : float The hyperparameter q in node2vec """ walks = sample_n2v_random_walks(adj, walk_length, walks_per_node, p=p, q=q) walks = [list(map(str, walk)) for walk in walks] self.model = Word2Vec(walks, size=embedding_dim, window=window_size, min_count=0, sg=1, workers=workers, iter=1, negative=num_neg_samples, hs=0, compute_loss=True) self.embedding = self.model.wv.vectors[np.fromiter(map(int, self.model.wv.index2word), np.int32).argsort()]
[docs]class DeepWalk(BaseEmbedding): """DeepWalk: Online Learning of Social Representations. KDD'14. The implementation is modified from Examples ---- >>> from import Dataset >>> from deeprobust.graph.global_attack import NodeEmbeddingAttack >>> from deeprobust.graph.defense import DeepWalk >>> data = Dataset(root='/tmp/', name='cora_ml', seed=15) >>> adj, features, labels = data.adj, data.features, data.labels >>> idx_train, idx_val, idx_test = data.idx_train, data.idx_val, data.idx_test >>> # set up attack model >>> attacker = NodeEmbeddingAttack() >>> attacker.attack(adj, attack_type="remove", n_perturbations=1000) >>> modified_adj = attacker.modified_adj >>> print("Test DeepWalk on clean graph") >>> model = DeepWalk() >>> >>> model.evaluate_node_classification(labels, idx_train, idx_test) >>> print("Test DeepWalk on attacked graph") >>> >>> model.evaluate_node_classification(labels, idx_train, idx_test) >>> print("Test DeepWalk SVD") >>> model = DeepWalk(type="svd") >>> >>> model.evaluate_node_classification(labels, idx_train, idx_test) """ def __init__(self, type="skipgram"): super(DeepWalk, self).__init__() if type == "skipgram": = self.deepwalk_skipgram elif type == "svd": = self.deepwalk_svd else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def deepwalk_skipgram(self, adj, embedding_dim=64, walk_length=80, walks_per_node=10, workers=8, window_size=10, num_neg_samples=1): """Compute DeepWalk embeddings for the given graph using the skip-gram formulation. Parameters ---------- adj : sp.csr_matrix, shape [n_nodes, n_nodes] Adjacency matrix of the graph embedding_dim : int, optional Dimension of the embedding walks_per_node : int, optional Number of walks sampled from each node walk_length : int, optional Length of each random walk workers : int, optional Number of threads (see gensim.models.Word2Vec process) window_size : int, optional Window size (see gensim.models.Word2Vec) num_neg_samples : int, optional Number of negative samples (see gensim.models.Word2Vec) """ walks = sample_random_walks(adj, walk_length, walks_per_node) walks = [list(map(str, walk)) for walk in walks] self.model = Word2Vec(walks, size=embedding_dim, window=window_size, min_count=0, sg=1, workers=workers, iter=1, negative=num_neg_samples, hs=0, compute_loss=True) self.embedding = self.model.wv.vectors[np.fromiter(map(int, self.model.wv.index2word), np.int32).argsort()]
[docs] def deepwalk_svd(self, adj, window_size=10, embedding_dim=64, num_neg_samples=1, sparse=True): """Compute DeepWalk embeddings for the given graph using the matrix factorization formulation. adj: sp.csr_matrix, shape [n_nodes, n_nodes] Adjacency matrix of the graph window_size: int Size of the window embedding_dim: int Size of the embedding num_neg_samples: int Number of negative samples sparse: bool Whether to perform sparse operations Returns ------ np.ndarray, shape [num_nodes, embedding_dim] Embedding matrix. """ sum_powers_transition = sum_of_powers_of_transition_matrix(adj, window_size) deg = adj.sum(1).A1 deg[deg == 0] = 1 deg_matrix = sp.diags(1 / deg) volume = adj.sum() M = * volume / (num_neg_samples * window_size) log_M = M.copy() log_M[M > 1] = np.log(log_M[M > 1]) log_M = log_M.multiply(M > 1) if not sparse: log_M = log_M.toarray() Fu, Fv = self.svd_embedding(log_M, embedding_dim, sparse) loss = np.linalg.norm( - log_M, ord='fro') self.embedding = Fu return Fu, Fv, loss, log_M
[docs] def svd_embedding(self, x, embedding_dim, sparse=False): """Computes an embedding by selection the top (embedding_dim) largest singular-values/vectors. :param x: sp.csr_matrix or np.ndarray The matrix that we want to embed :param embedding_dim: int Dimension of the embedding :param sparse: bool Whether to perform sparse operations :return: np.ndarray, shape [?, embedding_dim], np.ndarray, shape [?, embedding_dim] Embedding matrices. """ if sparse: U, s, V = sp.linalg.svds(x, embedding_dim) else: U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(x) S = np.diag(s) Fu =[:, :embedding_dim] Fv = np.sqrt(S).dot(V)[:embedding_dim, :].T return Fu, Fv
def sample_random_walks(adj, walk_length, walks_per_node, seed=None): """Sample random walks of fixed length from each node in the graph in parallel. Parameters ---------- adj : sp.csr_matrix, shape [n_nodes, n_nodes] Sparse adjacency matrix walk_length : int Random walk length walks_per_node : int Number of random walks per node seed : int or None Random seed Returns ------- walks : np.ndarray, shape [num_walks * num_nodes, walk_length] The sampled random walks """ if seed is None: seed = np.random.randint(0, 100000) adj = sp.csr_matrix(adj) random_walks = _random_walk(adj.indptr, adj.indices, walk_length, walks_per_node, seed).reshape([-1, walk_length]) return random_walks @numba.jit(nopython=True, parallel=True) def _random_walk(indptr, indices, walk_length, walks_per_node, seed): """Sample r random walks of length l per node in parallel from the graph. Parameters ---------- indptr : array-like Pointer for the edges of each node indices : array-like Edges for each node walk_length : int Random walk length walks_per_node : int Number of random walks per node seed : int Random seed Returns ------- walks : array-like, shape [r*N*l] The sampled random walks """ np.random.seed(seed) N = len(indptr) - 1 walks = [] for ir in range(walks_per_node): for n in range(N): for il in range(walk_length): walks.append(n) n = np.random.choice(indices[indptr[n]:indptr[n + 1]]) return np.array(walks) def sample_n2v_random_walks(adj, walk_length, walks_per_node, p, q, seed=None): """Sample node2vec random walks of fixed length from each node in the graph in parallel. Parameters ---------- adj : sp.csr_matrix, shape [n_nodes, n_nodes] Sparse adjacency matrix walk_length : int Random walk length walks_per_node : int Number of random walks per node p: float The probability to go back q: float, The probability to go explore undiscovered parts of the graphs seed : int or None Random seed Returns ------- walks : np.ndarray, shape [num_walks * num_nodes, walk_length] The sampled random walks """ if seed is None: seed = np.random.randint(0, 100000) adj = sp.csr_matrix(adj) random_walks = _n2v_random_walk(adj.indptr, adj.indices, walk_length, walks_per_node, p, q, seed) return random_walks @numba.jit(nopython=True) def random_choice(arr, p): """Similar to `numpy.random.choice` and it suppors p=option in numba. refer to <> Parameters ---------- arr : 1-D array-like p : 1-D array-like The probabilities associated with each entry in arr Returns ------- samples : ndarray The generated random samples """ return arr[np.searchsorted(np.cumsum(p), np.random.random(), side="right")] @numba.jit(nopython=True) def _n2v_random_walk(indptr, indices, walk_length, walks_per_node, p, q, seed): """Sample r random walks of length l per node in parallel from the graph. Parameters ---------- indptr : array-like Pointer for the edges of each node indices : array-like Edges for each node walk_length : int Random walk length walks_per_node : int Number of random walks per node p: float The probability to go back q: float, The probability to go explore undiscovered parts of the graphs seed : int Random seed Returns ------- walks : list generator, shape [r, N*l] The sampled random walks """ np.random.seed(seed) N = len(indptr) - 1 for _ in range(walks_per_node): for n in range(N): walk = [n] current_node = n previous_node = N previous_node_neighbors = np.empty(0, dtype=np.int32) for _ in range(walk_length - 1): neighbors = indices[indptr[current_node]:indptr[current_node + 1]] if neighbors.size == 0: break probability = np.array([1 / q] * neighbors.size) probability[previous_node == neighbors] = 1 / p for i, nbr in enumerate(neighbors): if np.any(nbr == previous_node_neighbors): probability[i] = 1. norm_probability = probability / np.sum(probability) current_node = random_choice(neighbors, norm_probability) walk.append(current_node) previous_node_neighbors = neighbors previous_node = current_node yield walk def sum_of_powers_of_transition_matrix(adj, pow): """Computes \sum_{r=1}^{pow) (D^{-1}A)^r. Parameters ----- adj: sp.csr_matrix, shape [n_nodes, n_nodes] Adjacency matrix of the graph pow: int Power exponent Returns ---- sp.csr_matrix Sum of powers of the transition matrix of a graph. """ deg = adj.sum(1).A1 deg[deg == 0] = 1 transition_matrix = sp.diags(1 / deg).dot(adj) sum_of_powers = transition_matrix last = transition_matrix for i in range(1, pow): last = sum_of_powers += last return sum_of_powers if __name__ == "__main__": from import Dataset from deeprobust.graph.global_attack import NodeEmbeddingAttack dataset_str = 'cora_ml' data = Dataset(root='/tmp/', name=dataset_str, seed=15) adj, features, labels = data.adj, data.features, data.labels idx_train, idx_val, idx_test = data.idx_train, data.idx_val, data.idx_test model = NodeEmbeddingAttack() model.attack(adj, attack_type="add_by_remove", n_perturbations=1000, n_candidates=10000) modified_adj = model.modified_adj # train defense model print("Test DeepWalk on clean graph") model = DeepWalk() model.evaluate_node_classification(labels, idx_train, idx_test) # model.evaluate_node_classification(labels, idx_train, idx_test, lr_params={"max_iter": 10}) print("Test DeepWalk on attacked graph") model.evaluate_node_classification(labels, idx_train, idx_test) print("\t link prediciton...") model.evaluate_link_prediction(modified_adj, np.array(adj.nonzero()).T) print("Test DeepWalk SVD") model = DeepWalk(type="svd") model.evaluate_node_classification(labels, idx_train, idx_test) # train defense model print("Test Node2vec on clean graph") model = Node2Vec() model.evaluate_node_classification(labels, idx_train, idx_test) print("Test Node2vec on attacked graph") model = Node2Vec() model.evaluate_node_classification(labels, idx_train, idx_test)