Source code for deeprobust.graph.defense.prognn

import time
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
from deeprobust.graph.utils import accuracy
from deeprobust.graph.defense.pgd import PGD, prox_operators
import warnings

[docs]class ProGNN: """ ProGNN (Properties Graph Neural Network). See more details in Graph Structure Learning for Robust Graph Neural Networks, KDD 2020, Parameters ---------- model: model: The backbone GNN model in ProGNN args: model configs device: str 'cpu' or 'cuda'. Examples -------- See details in """ def __init__(self, model, args, device): self.device = device self.args = args self.best_val_acc = 0 self.best_val_loss = 10 self.best_graph = None self.weights = None self.estimator = None self.model =
[docs] def fit(self, features, adj, labels, idx_train, idx_val, **kwargs): """Train Pro-GNN. Parameters ---------- features : node features adj : the adjacency matrix. The format could be torch.tensor or scipy matrix labels : node labels idx_train : node training indices idx_val : node validation indices """ args = self.args self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(),, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) estimator = EstimateAdj(adj, symmetric=args.symmetric, device=self.device).to(self.device) self.estimator = estimator self.optimizer_adj = optim.SGD(estimator.parameters(), momentum=0.9, lr=args.lr_adj) self.optimizer_l1 = PGD(estimator.parameters(), proxs=[prox_operators.prox_l1], lr=args.lr_adj, alphas=[args.alpha]) # warnings.warn("If you find the nuclear proximal operator runs too slow on Pubmed, you can uncomment line 67-71 and use prox_nuclear_cuda to perform the proximal on gpu.") # if args.dataset == "pubmed": # self.optimizer_nuclear = PGD(estimator.parameters(), # proxs=[prox_operators.prox_nuclear_cuda], # lr=args.lr_adj, alphas=[args.beta]) # else: warnings.warn("If you find the nuclear proximal operator runs too slow, you can modify line 77 to use prox_operators.prox_nuclear_cuda instead of prox_operators.prox_nuclear to perform the proximal on GPU. See details in") self.optimizer_nuclear = PGD(estimator.parameters(), proxs=[prox_operators.prox_nuclear], lr=args.lr_adj, alphas=[args.beta]) # Train model t_total = time.time() for epoch in range(args.epochs): if args.only_gcn: self.train_gcn(epoch, features, estimator.estimated_adj, labels, idx_train, idx_val) else: for i in range(int(args.outer_steps)): self.train_adj(epoch, features, adj, labels, idx_train, idx_val) for i in range(int(args.inner_steps)): self.train_gcn(epoch, features, estimator.estimated_adj, labels, idx_train, idx_val) print("Optimization Finished!") print("Total time elapsed: {:.4f}s".format(time.time() - t_total)) print(args) # Testing print("picking the best model according to validation performance") self.model.load_state_dict(self.weights)
def train_gcn(self, epoch, features, adj, labels, idx_train, idx_val): args = self.args estimator = self.estimator adj = estimator.normalize() t = time.time() self.model.train() self.optimizer.zero_grad() output = self.model(features, adj) loss_train = F.nll_loss(output[idx_train], labels[idx_train]) acc_train = accuracy(output[idx_train], labels[idx_train]) loss_train.backward() self.optimizer.step() # Evaluate validation set performance separately, # deactivates dropout during validation run. self.model.eval() output = self.model(features, adj) loss_val = F.nll_loss(output[idx_val], labels[idx_val]) acc_val = accuracy(output[idx_val], labels[idx_val]) if acc_val > self.best_val_acc: self.best_val_acc = acc_val self.best_graph = adj.detach() self.weights = deepcopy(self.model.state_dict()) if args.debug: print('\t=== saving current graph/gcn, best_val_acc: %s' % self.best_val_acc.item()) if loss_val < self.best_val_loss: self.best_val_loss = loss_val self.best_graph = adj.detach() self.weights = deepcopy(self.model.state_dict()) if args.debug: print(f'\t=== saving current graph/gcn, best_val_loss: %s' % self.best_val_loss.item()) if args.debug: if epoch % 1 == 0: print('Epoch: {:04d}'.format(epoch+1), 'loss_train: {:.4f}'.format(loss_train.item()), 'acc_train: {:.4f}'.format(acc_train.item()), 'loss_val: {:.4f}'.format(loss_val.item()), 'acc_val: {:.4f}'.format(acc_val.item()), 'time: {:.4f}s'.format(time.time() - t)) def train_adj(self, epoch, features, adj, labels, idx_train, idx_val): estimator = self.estimator args = self.args if args.debug: print("\n=== train_adj ===") t = time.time() estimator.train() self.optimizer_adj.zero_grad() loss_l1 = torch.norm(estimator.estimated_adj, 1) loss_fro = torch.norm(estimator.estimated_adj - adj, p='fro') normalized_adj = estimator.normalize() if args.lambda_: loss_smooth_feat = self.feature_smoothing(estimator.estimated_adj, features) else: loss_smooth_feat = 0 * loss_l1 output = self.model(features, normalized_adj) loss_gcn = F.nll_loss(output[idx_train], labels[idx_train]) acc_train = accuracy(output[idx_train], labels[idx_train]) loss_symmetric = torch.norm(estimator.estimated_adj \ - estimator.estimated_adj.t(), p="fro") loss_diffiential = loss_fro + args.gamma * loss_gcn + args.lambda_ * loss_smooth_feat + args.phi * loss_symmetric loss_diffiential.backward() self.optimizer_adj.step() loss_nuclear = 0 * loss_fro if args.beta != 0: self.optimizer_nuclear.zero_grad() self.optimizer_nuclear.step() loss_nuclear = prox_operators.nuclear_norm self.optimizer_l1.zero_grad() self.optimizer_l1.step() total_loss = loss_fro \ + args.gamma * loss_gcn \ + args.alpha * loss_l1 \ + args.beta * loss_nuclear \ + args.phi * loss_symmetric, min=0, max=1)) # Evaluate validation set performance separately, # deactivates dropout during validation run. self.model.eval() normalized_adj = estimator.normalize() output = self.model(features, normalized_adj) loss_val = F.nll_loss(output[idx_val], labels[idx_val]) acc_val = accuracy(output[idx_val], labels[idx_val]) print('Epoch: {:04d}'.format(epoch+1), 'acc_train: {:.4f}'.format(acc_train.item()), 'loss_val: {:.4f}'.format(loss_val.item()), 'acc_val: {:.4f}'.format(acc_val.item()), 'time: {:.4f}s'.format(time.time() - t)) if acc_val > self.best_val_acc: self.best_val_acc = acc_val self.best_graph = normalized_adj.detach() self.weights = deepcopy(self.model.state_dict()) if args.debug: print(f'\t=== saving current graph/gcn, best_val_acc: %s' % self.best_val_acc.item()) if loss_val < self.best_val_loss: self.best_val_loss = loss_val self.best_graph = normalized_adj.detach() self.weights = deepcopy(self.model.state_dict()) if args.debug: print(f'\t=== saving current graph/gcn, best_val_loss: %s' % self.best_val_loss.item()) if args.debug: if epoch % 1 == 0: print('Epoch: {:04d}'.format(epoch+1), 'loss_fro: {:.4f}'.format(loss_fro.item()), 'loss_gcn: {:.4f}'.format(loss_gcn.item()), 'loss_feat: {:.4f}'.format(loss_smooth_feat.item()), 'loss_symmetric: {:.4f}'.format(loss_symmetric.item()), 'delta_l1_norm: {:.4f}'.format(torch.norm(estimator.estimated_adj-adj, 1).item()), 'loss_l1: {:.4f}'.format(loss_l1.item()), 'loss_total: {:.4f}'.format(total_loss.item()), 'loss_nuclear: {:.4f}'.format(loss_nuclear.item()))
[docs] def test(self, features, labels, idx_test): """Evaluate the performance of ProGNN on test set """ print("\t=== testing ===") self.model.eval() adj = self.best_graph if self.best_graph is None: adj = self.estimator.normalize() output = self.model(features, adj) loss_test = F.nll_loss(output[idx_test], labels[idx_test]) acc_test = accuracy(output[idx_test], labels[idx_test]) print("\tTest set results:", "loss= {:.4f}".format(loss_test.item()), "accuracy= {:.4f}".format(acc_test.item())) return acc_test.item()
def feature_smoothing(self, adj, X): adj = (adj.t() + adj)/2 rowsum = adj.sum(1) r_inv = rowsum.flatten() D = torch.diag(r_inv) L = D - adj r_inv = r_inv + 1e-3 r_inv = r_inv.pow(-1/2).flatten() r_inv[torch.isinf(r_inv)] = 0. r_mat_inv = torch.diag(r_inv) # L = r_mat_inv @ L L = r_mat_inv @ L @ r_mat_inv XLXT = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(X.t(), L), X) loss_smooth_feat = torch.trace(XLXT) return loss_smooth_feat
[docs]class EstimateAdj(nn.Module): """Provide a pytorch parameter matrix for estimated adjacency matrix and corresponding operations. """ def __init__(self, adj, symmetric=False, device='cpu'): super(EstimateAdj, self).__init__() n = len(adj) self.estimated_adj = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(n, n)) self._init_estimation(adj) self.symmetric = symmetric self.device = device def _init_estimation(self, adj): with torch.no_grad(): n = len(adj) def forward(self): return self.estimated_adj def normalize(self): if self.symmetric: adj = (self.estimated_adj + self.estimated_adj.t()) else: adj = self.estimated_adj normalized_adj = self._normalize(adj + torch.eye(adj.shape[0]).to(self.device)) return normalized_adj def _normalize(self, mx): rowsum = mx.sum(1) r_inv = rowsum.pow(-1/2).flatten() r_inv[torch.isinf(r_inv)] = 0. r_mat_inv = torch.diag(r_inv) mx = r_mat_inv @ mx mx = mx @ r_mat_inv return mx