Source code for deeprobust.graph.global_attack.mettack

    Adversarial Attacks on Graph Neural Networks via Meta Learning. ICLR 2019
    Author Tensorflow implementation:

import math
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import torch
from torch import optim
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter
from tqdm import tqdm
from deeprobust.graph import utils
from deeprobust.graph.global_attack import BaseAttack

[docs]class BaseMeta(BaseAttack): """Abstract base class for meta attack. Adversarial Attacks on Graph Neural Networks via Meta Learning, ICLR 2019, Parameters ---------- model : model to attack. Default `None`. nnodes : int number of nodes in the input graph lambda_ : float lambda_ is used to weight the two objectives in Eq. (10) in the paper. feature_shape : tuple shape of the input node features attack_structure : bool whether to attack graph structure attack_features : bool whether to attack node features device: str 'cpu' or 'cuda' """ def __init__(self, model=None, nnodes=None, feature_shape=None, lambda_=0.5, attack_structure=True, attack_features=False, device='cpu'): super(BaseMeta, self).__init__(model, nnodes, attack_structure, attack_features, device) self.lambda_ = lambda_ assert attack_features or attack_structure, 'attack_features or attack_structure cannot be both False' self.modified_adj = None self.modified_features = None if attack_structure: assert nnodes is not None, 'Please give nnodes=' self.adj_changes = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(nnodes, nnodes)) if attack_features: assert feature_shape is not None, 'Please give feature_shape=' self.feature_changes = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(feature_shape)) self.with_relu = model.with_relu
[docs] def attack(self, adj, labels, n_perturbations): pass
def get_modified_adj(self, ori_adj): adj_changes_square = self.adj_changes - torch.diag(torch.diag(self.adj_changes, 0)) ind = np.diag_indices(self.adj_changes.shape[0]) adj_changes_symm = torch.clamp(adj_changes_square + torch.transpose(adj_changes_square, 1, 0), -1, 1) modified_adj = adj_changes_symm + ori_adj return modified_adj def get_modified_features(self, ori_features): return ori_features + self.feature_changes
[docs] def filter_potential_singletons(self, modified_adj): """ Computes a mask for entries potentially leading to singleton nodes, i.e. one of the two nodes corresponding to the entry have degree 1 and there is an edge between the two nodes. """ degrees = modified_adj.sum(0) degree_one = (degrees == 1) resh = degree_one.repeat(modified_adj.shape[0], 1).float() l_and = resh * modified_adj logical_and_symmetric = l_and + l_and.t() flat_mask = 1 - logical_and_symmetric return flat_mask
def self_training_label(self, labels, idx_train): # Predict the labels of the unlabeled nodes to use them for self-training. output = self.surrogate.output labels_self_training = output.argmax(1) labels_self_training[idx_train] = labels[idx_train] return labels_self_training
[docs] def log_likelihood_constraint(self, modified_adj, ori_adj, ll_cutoff): """ Computes a mask for entries that, if the edge corresponding to the entry is added/removed, would lead to the log likelihood constraint to be violated. Note that different data type (float, double) can effect the final results. """ t_d_min = torch.tensor(2.0).to(self.device) t_possible_edges = np.array(np.triu(np.ones((self.nnodes, self.nnodes)), k=1).nonzero()).T allowed_mask, current_ratio = utils.likelihood_ratio_filter(t_possible_edges, modified_adj, ori_adj, t_d_min, ll_cutoff) return allowed_mask, current_ratio
def get_adj_score(self, adj_grad, modified_adj, ori_adj, ll_constraint, ll_cutoff): adj_meta_grad = adj_grad * (-2 * modified_adj + 1) # Make sure that the minimum entry is 0. adj_meta_grad -= adj_meta_grad.min() # Filter self-loops adj_meta_grad -= torch.diag(torch.diag(adj_meta_grad, 0)) # # Set entries to 0 that could lead to singleton nodes. singleton_mask = self.filter_potential_singletons(modified_adj) adj_meta_grad = adj_meta_grad * singleton_mask if ll_constraint: allowed_mask, self.ll_ratio = self.log_likelihood_constraint(modified_adj, ori_adj, ll_cutoff) allowed_mask = adj_meta_grad = adj_meta_grad * allowed_mask return adj_meta_grad def get_feature_score(self, feature_grad, modified_features): feature_meta_grad = feature_grad * (-2 * modified_features + 1) feature_meta_grad -= feature_meta_grad.min() return feature_meta_grad
[docs]class Metattack(BaseMeta): """Meta attack. Adversarial Attacks on Graph Neural Networks via Meta Learning, ICLR 2019. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from import Dataset >>> from deeprobust.graph.defense import GCN >>> from deeprobust.graph.global_attack import Metattack >>> data = Dataset(root='/tmp/', name='cora') >>> adj, features, labels = data.adj, data.features, data.labels >>> idx_train, idx_val, idx_test = data.idx_train, data.idx_val, data.idx_test >>> idx_unlabeled = np.union1d(idx_val, idx_test) >>> idx_unlabeled = np.union1d(idx_val, idx_test) >>> # Setup Surrogate model >>> surrogate = GCN(nfeat=features.shape[1], nclass=labels.max().item()+1, nhid=16, dropout=0, with_relu=False, with_bias=False, device='cpu').to('cpu') >>>, adj, labels, idx_train, idx_val, patience=30) >>> # Setup Attack Model >>> model = Metattack(surrogate, nnodes=adj.shape[0], feature_shape=features.shape, attack_structure=True, attack_features=False, device='cpu', lambda_=0).to('cpu') >>> # Attack >>> model.attack(features, adj, labels, idx_train, idx_unlabeled, n_perturbations=10, ll_constraint=False) >>> modified_adj = model.modified_adj """ def __init__(self, model, nnodes, feature_shape=None, attack_structure=True, attack_features=False, device='cpu', with_bias=False, lambda_=0.5, train_iters=100, lr=0.1, momentum=0.9): super(Metattack, self).__init__(model, nnodes, feature_shape, lambda_, attack_structure, attack_features, device) self.momentum = momentum = lr self.train_iters = train_iters self.with_bias = with_bias self.weights = [] self.biases = [] self.w_velocities = [] self.b_velocities = [] self.hidden_sizes = self.surrogate.hidden_sizes self.nfeat = self.surrogate.nfeat self.nclass = self.surrogate.nclass previous_size = self.nfeat for ix, nhid in enumerate(self.hidden_sizes): weight = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(previous_size, nhid).to(device)) w_velocity = torch.zeros(weight.shape).to(device) self.weights.append(weight) self.w_velocities.append(w_velocity) if self.with_bias: bias = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(nhid).to(device)) b_velocity = torch.zeros(bias.shape).to(device) self.biases.append(bias) self.b_velocities.append(b_velocity) previous_size = nhid output_weight = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(previous_size, self.nclass).to(device)) output_w_velocity = torch.zeros(output_weight.shape).to(device) self.weights.append(output_weight) self.w_velocities.append(output_w_velocity) if self.with_bias: output_bias = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(self.nclass).to(device)) output_b_velocity = torch.zeros(output_bias.shape).to(device) self.biases.append(output_bias) self.b_velocities.append(output_b_velocity) self._initialize() def _initialize(self): for w, v in zip(self.weights, self.w_velocities): stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(w.size(1)), stdv) if self.with_bias: for b, v in zip(self.biases, self.b_velocities): stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(w.size(1)), stdv) def inner_train(self, features, adj_norm, idx_train, idx_unlabeled, labels): self._initialize() for ix in range(len(self.hidden_sizes) + 1): self.weights[ix] = self.weights[ix].detach() self.weights[ix].requires_grad = True self.w_velocities[ix] = self.w_velocities[ix].detach() self.w_velocities[ix].requires_grad = True if self.with_bias: self.biases[ix] = self.biases[ix].detach() self.biases[ix].requires_grad = True self.b_velocities[ix] = self.b_velocities[ix].detach() self.b_velocities[ix].requires_grad = True for j in range(self.train_iters): hidden = features for ix, w in enumerate(self.weights): b = self.biases[ix] if self.with_bias else 0 if self.sparse_features: hidden = adj_norm @ torch.spmm(hidden, w) + b else: hidden = adj_norm @ hidden @ w + b if self.with_relu and ix != len(self.weights) - 1: hidden = F.relu(hidden) output = F.log_softmax(hidden, dim=1) loss_labeled = F.nll_loss(output[idx_train], labels[idx_train]) weight_grads = torch.autograd.grad(loss_labeled, self.weights, create_graph=True) self.w_velocities = [self.momentum * v + g for v, g in zip(self.w_velocities, weight_grads)] if self.with_bias: bias_grads = torch.autograd.grad(loss_labeled, self.biases, create_graph=True) self.b_velocities = [self.momentum * v + g for v, g in zip(self.b_velocities, bias_grads)] self.weights = [w - * v for w, v in zip(self.weights, self.w_velocities)] if self.with_bias: self.biases = [b - * v for b, v in zip(self.biases, self.b_velocities)] def get_meta_grad(self, features, adj_norm, idx_train, idx_unlabeled, labels, labels_self_training): hidden = features for ix, w in enumerate(self.weights): b = self.biases[ix] if self.with_bias else 0 if self.sparse_features: hidden = adj_norm @ torch.spmm(hidden, w) + b else: hidden = adj_norm @ hidden @ w + b if self.with_relu and ix != len(self.weights) - 1: hidden = F.relu(hidden) output = F.log_softmax(hidden, dim=1) loss_labeled = F.nll_loss(output[idx_train], labels[idx_train]) loss_unlabeled = F.nll_loss(output[idx_unlabeled], labels_self_training[idx_unlabeled]) loss_test_val = F.nll_loss(output[idx_unlabeled], labels[idx_unlabeled]) if self.lambda_ == 1: attack_loss = loss_labeled elif self.lambda_ == 0: attack_loss = loss_unlabeled else: attack_loss = self.lambda_ * loss_labeled + (1 - self.lambda_) * loss_unlabeled print('GCN loss on unlabled data: {}'.format(loss_test_val.item())) print('GCN acc on unlabled data: {}'.format(utils.accuracy(output[idx_unlabeled], labels[idx_unlabeled]).item())) print('attack loss: {}'.format(attack_loss.item())) adj_grad, feature_grad = None, None if self.attack_structure: adj_grad = torch.autograd.grad(attack_loss, self.adj_changes, retain_graph=True)[0] if self.attack_features: feature_grad = torch.autograd.grad(attack_loss, self.feature_changes, retain_graph=True)[0] return adj_grad, feature_grad
[docs] def attack(self, ori_features, ori_adj, labels, idx_train, idx_unlabeled, n_perturbations, ll_constraint=True, ll_cutoff=0.004): """Generate n_perturbations on the input graph. Parameters ---------- ori_features : Original (unperturbed) node feature matrix ori_adj : Original (unperturbed) adjacency matrix labels : node labels idx_train : node training indices idx_unlabeled: unlabeled nodes indices n_perturbations : int Number of perturbations on the input graph. Perturbations could be edge removals/additions or feature removals/additions. ll_constraint: bool whether to exert the likelihood ratio test constraint ll_cutoff : float The critical value for the likelihood ratio test of the power law distributions. See the Chi square distribution with one degree of freedom. Default value 0.004 corresponds to a p-value of roughly 0.95. It would be ignored if `ll_constraint` is False. """ self.sparse_features = sp.issparse(ori_features) ori_adj, ori_features, labels = utils.to_tensor(ori_adj, ori_features, labels, device=self.device) labels_self_training = self.self_training_label(labels, idx_train) modified_adj = ori_adj modified_features = ori_features for i in tqdm(range(n_perturbations), desc="Perturbing graph"): if self.attack_structure: modified_adj = self.get_modified_adj(ori_adj) if self.attack_features: modified_features = ori_features + self.feature_changes adj_norm = utils.normalize_adj_tensor(modified_adj) self.inner_train(modified_features, adj_norm, idx_train, idx_unlabeled, labels) adj_grad, feature_grad = self.get_meta_grad(modified_features, adj_norm, idx_train, idx_unlabeled, labels, labels_self_training) adj_meta_score = torch.tensor(0.0).to(self.device) feature_meta_score = torch.tensor(0.0).to(self.device) if self.attack_structure: adj_meta_score = self.get_adj_score(adj_grad, modified_adj, ori_adj, ll_constraint, ll_cutoff) if self.attack_features: feature_meta_score = self.get_feature_score(feature_grad, modified_features) if adj_meta_score.max() >= feature_meta_score.max(): adj_meta_argmax = torch.argmax(adj_meta_score) row_idx, col_idx = utils.unravel_index(adj_meta_argmax, ori_adj.shape)[row_idx][col_idx] += (-2 * modified_adj[row_idx][col_idx] + 1)[col_idx][row_idx] += (-2 * modified_adj[row_idx][col_idx] + 1) else: feature_meta_argmax = torch.argmax(feature_meta_score) row_idx, col_idx = utils.unravel_index(feature_meta_argmax, ori_features.shape)[row_idx][col_idx] += (-2 * modified_features[row_idx][col_idx] + 1) if self.attack_structure: self.modified_adj = self.get_modified_adj(ori_adj).detach() if self.attack_features: self.modified_features = self.get_modified_features(ori_features).detach()
[docs]class MetaApprox(BaseMeta): """Approximated version of Meta Attack. Adversarial Attacks on Graph Neural Networks via Meta Learning, ICLR 2019. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from import Dataset >>> from deeprobust.graph.defense import GCN >>> from deeprobust.graph.global_attack import MetaApprox >>> from deeprobust.graph.utils import preprocess >>> data = Dataset(root='/tmp/', name='cora') >>> adj, features, labels = data.adj, data.features, data.labels >>> adj, features, labels = preprocess(adj, features, labels, preprocess_adj=False) # conver to tensor >>> idx_train, idx_val, idx_test = data.idx_train, data.idx_val, data.idx_test >>> idx_unlabeled = np.union1d(idx_val, idx_test) >>> # Setup Surrogate model >>> surrogate = GCN(nfeat=features.shape[1], nclass=labels.max().item()+1, nhid=16, dropout=0, with_relu=False, with_bias=False, device='cpu').to('cpu') >>>, adj, labels, idx_train, idx_val, patience=30) >>> # Setup Attack Model >>> model = MetaApprox(surrogate, nnodes=adj.shape[0], feature_shape=features.shape, attack_structure=True, attack_features=False, device='cpu', lambda_=0).to('cpu') >>> # Attack >>> model.attack(features, adj, labels, idx_train, idx_unlabeled, n_perturbations=10, ll_constraint=True) >>> modified_adj = model.modified_adj """ def __init__(self, model, nnodes, feature_shape=None, attack_structure=True, attack_features=False, device='cpu', with_bias=False, lambda_=0.5, train_iters=100, lr=0.01): super(MetaApprox, self).__init__(model, nnodes, feature_shape, lambda_, attack_structure, attack_features, device) = lr self.train_iters = train_iters self.adj_meta_grad = None self.features_meta_grad = None if self.attack_structure: self.adj_grad_sum = torch.zeros(nnodes, nnodes).to(device) if self.attack_features: self.feature_grad_sum = torch.zeros(feature_shape).to(device) self.with_bias = with_bias self.weights = [] self.biases = [] previous_size = self.nfeat for ix, nhid in enumerate(self.hidden_sizes): weight = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(previous_size, nhid).to(device)) bias = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(nhid).to(device)) previous_size = nhid self.weights.append(weight) self.biases.append(bias) output_weight = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(previous_size, self.nclass).to(device)) output_bias = Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(self.nclass).to(device)) self.weights.append(output_weight) self.biases.append(output_bias) self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.weights + self.biases, lr=lr) # , weight_decay=5e-4) self._initialize() def _initialize(self): for w, b in zip(self.weights, self.biases): # # stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(w.size(1)), stdv), stdv) self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.weights + self.biases, def inner_train(self, features, modified_adj, idx_train, idx_unlabeled, labels, labels_self_training): adj_norm = utils.normalize_adj_tensor(modified_adj) for j in range(self.train_iters): # hidden = features # for w, b in zip(self.weights, self.biases): # if self.sparse_features: # hidden = adj_norm @ torch.spmm(hidden, w) + b # else: # hidden = adj_norm @ hidden @ w + b # if self.with_relu: # hidden = F.relu(hidden) hidden = features for ix, w in enumerate(self.weights): b = self.biases[ix] if self.with_bias else 0 if self.sparse_features: hidden = adj_norm @ torch.spmm(hidden, w) + b else: hidden = adj_norm @ hidden @ w + b if self.with_relu: hidden = F.relu(hidden) output = F.log_softmax(hidden, dim=1) loss_labeled = F.nll_loss(output[idx_train], labels[idx_train]) loss_unlabeled = F.nll_loss(output[idx_unlabeled], labels_self_training[idx_unlabeled]) if self.lambda_ == 1: attack_loss = loss_labeled elif self.lambda_ == 0: attack_loss = loss_unlabeled else: attack_loss = self.lambda_ * loss_labeled + (1 - self.lambda_) * loss_unlabeled self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss_labeled.backward(retain_graph=True) if self.attack_structure: self.adj_changes.grad.zero_() self.adj_grad_sum += torch.autograd.grad(attack_loss, self.adj_changes, retain_graph=True)[0] if self.attack_features: self.feature_changes.grad.zero_() self.feature_grad_sum += torch.autograd.grad(attack_loss, self.feature_changes, retain_graph=True)[0] self.optimizer.step() loss_test_val = F.nll_loss(output[idx_unlabeled], labels[idx_unlabeled]) print('GCN loss on unlabled data: {}'.format(loss_test_val.item())) print('GCN acc on unlabled data: {}'.format(utils.accuracy(output[idx_unlabeled], labels[idx_unlabeled]).item()))
[docs] def attack(self, ori_features, ori_adj, labels, idx_train, idx_unlabeled, n_perturbations, ll_constraint=True, ll_cutoff=0.004): """Generate n_perturbations on the input graph. Parameters ---------- ori_features : Original (unperturbed) node feature matrix ori_adj : Original (unperturbed) adjacency matrix labels : node labels idx_train : node training indices idx_unlabeled: unlabeled nodes indices n_perturbations : int Number of perturbations on the input graph. Perturbations could be edge removals/additions or feature removals/additions. ll_constraint: bool whether to exert the likelihood ratio test constraint ll_cutoff : float The critical value for the likelihood ratio test of the power law distributions. See the Chi square distribution with one degree of freedom. Default value 0.004 corresponds to a p-value of roughly 0.95. It would be ignored if `ll_constraint` is False. """ ori_adj, ori_features, labels = utils.to_tensor(ori_adj, ori_features, labels, device=self.device) labels_self_training = self.self_training_label(labels, idx_train) self.sparse_features = sp.issparse(ori_features) modified_adj = ori_adj modified_features = ori_features for i in tqdm(range(n_perturbations), desc="Perturbing graph"): self._initialize() if self.attack_structure: modified_adj = self.get_modified_adj(ori_adj) if self.attack_features: modified_features = ori_features + self.feature_changes self.inner_train(modified_features, modified_adj, idx_train, idx_unlabeled, labels, labels_self_training) adj_meta_score = torch.tensor(0.0).to(self.device) feature_meta_score = torch.tensor(0.0).to(self.device) if self.attack_structure: adj_meta_score = self.get_adj_score(self.adj_grad_sum, modified_adj, ori_adj, ll_constraint, ll_cutoff) if self.attack_features: feature_meta_score = self.get_feature_score(self.feature_grad_sum, modified_features) if adj_meta_score.max() >= feature_meta_score.max(): adj_meta_argmax = torch.argmax(adj_meta_score) row_idx, col_idx = utils.unravel_index(adj_meta_argmax, ori_adj.shape)[row_idx][col_idx] += (-2 * modified_adj[row_idx][col_idx] + 1)[col_idx][row_idx] += (-2 * modified_adj[row_idx][col_idx] + 1) else: feature_meta_argmax = torch.argmax(feature_meta_score) row_idx, col_idx = utils.unravel_index(feature_meta_argmax, ori_features.shape)[row_idx][col_idx] += (-2 * modified_features[row_idx][col_idx] + 1) if self.attack_structure: self.modified_adj = self.get_modified_adj(ori_adj).detach() if self.attack_features: self.modified_features = self.get_modified_features(ori_features).detach()