Source code for deeprobust.graph.global_attack.random_attack

import numpy as np
from deeprobust.graph.global_attack import BaseAttack
import scipy.sparse as sp
# import random

[docs]class Random(BaseAttack): """ Randomly adding edges to the input graph Parameters ---------- model : model to attack. Default `None`. nnodes : int number of nodes in the input graph attack_structure : bool whether to attack graph structure attack_features : bool whether to attack node features device: str 'cpu' or 'cuda' Examples -------- >>> from import Dataset >>> from deeprobust.graph.global_attack import Random >>> data = Dataset(root='/tmp/', name='cora') >>> adj, features, labels = data.adj, data.features, data.labels >>> model = Random() >>> model.attack(adj, n_perturbations=10) >>> modified_adj = model.modified_adj """ def __init__(self, model=None, nnodes=None, attack_structure=True, attack_features=False, device='cpu'): super(Random, self).__init__(model, nnodes, attack_structure=attack_structure, attack_features=attack_features, device=device) assert not self.attack_features, 'RND does NOT support attacking features'
[docs] def attack(self, ori_adj, n_perturbations, type='add', **kwargs): """Generate attacks on the input graph. Parameters ---------- ori_adj : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix Original (unperturbed) adjacency matrix. n_perturbations : int Number of edge removals/additions. type: str perturbation type. Could be 'add', 'remove' or 'flip'. Returns ------- None. """ if self.attack_structure: modified_adj = self.perturb_adj(ori_adj, n_perturbations, type) self.modified_adj = modified_adj
[docs] def perturb_adj(self, adj, n_perturbations, type='add'): """Randomly add, remove or flip edges. Parameters ---------- adj : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix Original (unperturbed) adjacency matrix. n_perturbations : int Number of edge removals/additions. type: str perturbation type. Could be 'add', 'remove' or 'flip'. Returns ------ scipy.sparse matrix perturbed adjacency matrix """ # adj: sp.csr_matrix modified_adj = adj.tolil() type = type.lower() assert type in ['add', 'remove', 'flip'] if type == 'flip': # sample edges to flip edges = self.random_sample_edges(adj, n_perturbations, exclude=set()) for n1, n2 in edges: modified_adj[n1, n2] = 1 - modified_adj[n1, n2] modified_adj[n2, n1] = 1 - modified_adj[n2, n1] if type == 'add': # sample edges to add nonzero = set(zip(*adj.nonzero())) edges = self.random_sample_edges(adj, n_perturbations, exclude=nonzero) for n1, n2 in edges: modified_adj[n1, n2] = 1 modified_adj[n2, n1] = 1 if type == 'remove': # sample edges to remove nonzero = np.array(sp.triu(adj, k=1).nonzero()).T indices = np.random.permutation(nonzero)[: n_perturbations].T modified_adj[indices[0], indices[1]] = 0 modified_adj[indices[1], indices[0]] = 0 self.check_adj(modified_adj) return modified_adj
[docs] def perturb_features(self, features, n_perturbations): """Randomly perturb features. """ raise NotImplementedError print('number of pertubations: %s' % n_perturbations) return modified_features
[docs] def inject_nodes(self, adj, n_add, n_perturbations): """For each added node, randomly connect with other nodes. """ # adj: sp.csr_matrix # TODO print('number of pertubations: %s' % n_perturbations) raise NotImplementedError modified_adj = adj.tolil() return modified_adj
def random_sample_edges(self, adj, n, exclude): itr = self.sample_forever(adj, exclude=exclude) return [next(itr) for _ in range(n)]
[docs] def sample_forever(self, adj, exclude): """Randomly random sample edges from adjacency matrix, `exclude` is a set which contains the edges we do not want to sample and the ones already sampled """ while True: # t = tuple(np.random.randint(0, adj.shape[0], 2)) # t = tuple(random.sample(range(0, adj.shape[0]), 2)) t = tuple(np.random.choice(adj.shape[0], 2, replace=False)) if t not in exclude: yield t exclude.add(t) exclude.add((t[1], t[0]))