Source code for deeprobust.graph.targeted_attack.nettack

    Adversarial Attacks on Neural Networks for Graph Data. KDD 2018.
    Author's Implementation

    Since pytorch does not have good enough support to the operations
    on sparse tensor, this part of code is heavily based on the author's implementation.
Implementation of the method proposed in the paper:
'Adversarial Attacks on Neural Networks for Graph Data'
by Daniel Zügner, Amir Akbarnejad and Stephan Günnemann,
published at SIGKDD'18, August 2018, London, UK
Copyright (C) 2018
Daniel Zügner
Technical University of Munich

import torch
from deeprobust.graph.targeted_attack import BaseAttack
from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter
from deeprobust.graph import utils
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import optim
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torch.nn.modules.module import Module
from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from copy import deepcopy
from numba import jit
from torch import spmm

[docs]class Nettack(BaseAttack): """Nettack. Parameters ---------- model : model to attack nnodes : int number of nodes in the input graph attack_structure : bool whether to attack graph structure attack_features : bool whether to attack node features device: str 'cpu' or 'cuda' Examples -------- >>> from import Dataset >>> from deeprobust.graph.defense import GCN >>> from deeprobust.graph.targeted_attack import Nettack >>> data = Dataset(root='/tmp/', name='cora') >>> adj, features, labels = data.adj, data.features, data.labels >>> idx_train, idx_val, idx_test = data.idx_train, data.idx_val, data.idx_test >>> # Setup Surrogate model >>> surrogate = GCN(nfeat=features.shape[1], nclass=labels.max().item()+1, nhid=16, dropout=0, with_relu=False, with_bias=False, device='cpu').to('cpu') >>>, adj, labels, idx_train, idx_val, patience=30) >>> # Setup Attack Model >>> target_node = 0 >>> model = Nettack(surrogate, nnodes=adj.shape[0], attack_structure=True, attack_features=True, device='cpu').to('cpu') >>> # Attack >>> model.attack(features, adj, labels, target_node, n_perturbations=5) >>> modified_adj = model.modified_adj >>> modified_features = model.modified_features """ def __init__(self, model, nnodes=None, attack_structure=True, attack_features=False, device='cpu'): super(Nettack, self).__init__(model, nnodes, attack_structure=attack_structure, attack_features=attack_features, device=device) self.structure_perturbations = [] self.feature_perturbations = [] self.influencer_nodes = [] self.potential_edges = [] self.cooc_constraint = None
[docs] def filter_potential_singletons(self, modified_adj): """Computes a mask for entries potentially leading to singleton nodes, i.e. one of the two nodes corresponding to the entry have degree 1 and there is an edge between the two nodes. """ degrees = modified_adj.sum(0) degree_one = (degrees == 1) resh = degree_one.repeat(self.nnodes, 1).float() l_and = resh * modified_adj logical_and_symmetric = l_and + l_and.t() flat_mask = 1 - logical_and_symmetric return flat_mask
def get_linearized_weight(self): surrogate = self.surrogate W = surrogate.gc1.weight @ surrogate.gc2.weight return W.detach().cpu().numpy()
[docs] def attack(self, features, adj, labels, target_node, n_perturbations, direct=True, n_influencers= 0, ll_cutoff=0.004, verbose=True, **kwargs): """Generate perturbations on the input graph. Parameters ---------- ori_features : torch.Tensor or scipy.sparse.csr_matrix Origina (unperturbed) node feature matrix. Note that torch.Tensor will be automatically transformed into scipy.sparse.csr_matrix ori_adj : torch.Tensor or scipy.sparse.csr_matrix Original (unperturbed) adjacency matrix. Note that torch.Tensor will be automatically transformed into scipy.sparse.csr_matrix labels : node labels target_node : int target node index to be attacked n_perturbations : int Number of perturbations on the input graph. Perturbations could be edge removals/additions or feature removals/additions. direct: bool whether to conduct direct attack n_influencers: number of influencer nodes when performing indirect attack. (setting `direct` to False). When `direct` is True, it would be ignored. ll_cutoff : float The critical value for the likelihood ratio test of the power law distributions. See the Chi square distribution with one degree of freedom. Default value 0.004 corresponds to a p-value of roughly 0.95. verbose : bool whether to show verbose logs """ if self.nnodes is None: self.nnodes = adj.shape[0] self.target_node = target_node if type(adj) is torch.Tensor: self.ori_adj = utils.to_scipy(adj).tolil() self.modified_adj = utils.to_scipy(adj).tolil() self.ori_features = utils.to_scipy(features).tolil() self.modified_features = utils.to_scipy(features).tolil() else: self.ori_adj = adj.tolil() self.modified_adj = adj.tolil() self.ori_features = features.tolil() self.modified_features = features.tolil() self.cooc_matrix = attack_features = self.attack_features attack_structure = self.attack_structure assert not (direct==False and n_influencers==0), "indirect mode requires at least one influencer node" assert n_perturbations > 0, "need at least one perturbation" assert attack_features or attack_structure, "either attack_features or attack_structure must be true" # adj_norm = utils.normalize_adj_tensor(modified_adj, sparse=True) self.adj_norm = utils.normalize_adj(self.modified_adj) self.W = self.get_linearized_weight() logits = (self.adj_norm @ self.adj_norm @ self.modified_features @ self.W )[target_node] self.label_u = labels[target_node] label_target_onehot = np.eye(int(self.nclass))[labels[target_node]] best_wrong_class = (logits - 1000*label_target_onehot).argmax() surrogate_losses = [logits[labels[target_node]] - logits[best_wrong_class]] if verbose: print("##### Starting attack #####") if attack_structure and attack_features: print("##### Attack node with ID {} using structure and feature perturbations #####".format(target_node)) elif attack_features: print("##### Attack only using feature perturbations #####") elif attack_structure: print("##### Attack only using structure perturbations #####") if direct: print("##### Attacking the node directly #####") else: print("##### Attacking the node indirectly via {} influencer nodes #####".format(n_influencers)) print("##### Performing {} perturbations #####".format(n_perturbations)) if attack_structure: # Setup starting values of the likelihood ratio test. degree_sequence_start = self.ori_adj.sum(0).A1 current_degree_sequence = self.modified_adj.sum(0).A1 d_min = 2 S_d_start = np.sum(np.log(degree_sequence_start[degree_sequence_start >= d_min])) current_S_d = np.sum(np.log(current_degree_sequence[current_degree_sequence >= d_min])) n_start = np.sum(degree_sequence_start >= d_min) current_n = np.sum(current_degree_sequence >= d_min) alpha_start = compute_alpha(n_start, S_d_start, d_min) log_likelihood_orig = compute_log_likelihood(n_start, alpha_start, S_d_start, d_min) if len(self.influencer_nodes) == 0: if not direct: # Choose influencer nodes infls, add_infls = self.get_attacker_nodes(n_influencers, add_additional_nodes=True) self.influencer_nodes = np.concatenate((infls, add_infls)).astype("int") # Potential edges are all edges from any attacker to any other node, except the respective # attacker itself or the node being attacked. self.potential_edges = np.row_stack([np.column_stack((np.tile(infl, self.nnodes - 2), np.setdiff1d(np.arange(self.nnodes), np.array([target_node,infl])))) for infl in self.influencer_nodes]) if verbose: print("Influencer nodes: {}".format(self.influencer_nodes)) else: # direct attack influencers = [target_node] self.potential_edges = np.column_stack((np.tile(target_node, self.nnodes-1), np.setdiff1d(np.arange(self.nnodes), target_node))) self.influencer_nodes = np.array(influencers) self.potential_edges = self.potential_edges.astype("int32") for _ in range(n_perturbations): if verbose: print("##### ...{}/{} perturbations ... #####".format(_+1, n_perturbations)) if attack_structure: # Do not consider edges that, if removed, result in singleton edges in the graph. singleton_filter = filter_singletons(self.potential_edges, self.modified_adj) filtered_edges = self.potential_edges[singleton_filter] # Update the values for the power law likelihood ratio test. deltas = 2 * (1 - self.modified_adj[tuple(filtered_edges.T)].toarray()[0] )- 1 d_edges_old = current_degree_sequence[filtered_edges] d_edges_new = current_degree_sequence[filtered_edges] + deltas[:, None] new_S_d, new_n = update_Sx(current_S_d, current_n, d_edges_old, d_edges_new, d_min) new_alphas = compute_alpha(new_n, new_S_d, d_min) new_ll = compute_log_likelihood(new_n, new_alphas, new_S_d, d_min) alphas_combined = compute_alpha(new_n + n_start, new_S_d + S_d_start, d_min) new_ll_combined = compute_log_likelihood(new_n + n_start, alphas_combined, new_S_d + S_d_start, d_min) new_ratios = -2 * new_ll_combined + 2 * (new_ll + log_likelihood_orig) # Do not consider edges that, if added/removed, would lead to a violation of the # likelihood ration Chi_square cutoff value. powerlaw_filter = filter_chisquare(new_ratios, ll_cutoff) filtered_edges_final = filtered_edges[powerlaw_filter] # Compute new entries in A_hat_square_uv a_hat_uv_new = self.compute_new_a_hat_uv(filtered_edges_final, target_node) # Compute the struct scores for each potential edge struct_scores = self.struct_score(a_hat_uv_new, self.modified_features @ self.W) best_edge_ix = struct_scores.argmin() best_edge_score = struct_scores.min() best_edge = filtered_edges_final[best_edge_ix] if attack_features: # Compute the feature scores for each potential feature perturbation feature_ixs, feature_scores = self.feature_scores() best_feature_ix = feature_ixs[0] best_feature_score = feature_scores[0] if attack_structure and attack_features: # decide whether to choose an edge or feature to change if best_edge_score < best_feature_score: if verbose: print("Edge perturbation: {}".format(best_edge)) change_structure = True else: if verbose: print("Feature perturbation: {}".format(best_feature_ix)) change_structure=False elif attack_structure: change_structure = True elif attack_features: change_structure = False if change_structure: # perform edge perturbation self.modified_adj[tuple(best_edge)] = self.modified_adj[tuple(best_edge[::-1])] = 1 - self.modified_adj[tuple(best_edge)] self.adj_norm = utils.normalize_adj(self.modified_adj) self.structure_perturbations.append(tuple(best_edge)) self.feature_perturbations.append(()) surrogate_losses.append(best_edge_score) # Update likelihood ratio test values current_S_d = new_S_d[powerlaw_filter][best_edge_ix] current_n = new_n[powerlaw_filter][best_edge_ix] current_degree_sequence[best_edge] += deltas[powerlaw_filter][best_edge_ix] else: self.modified_features[tuple(best_feature_ix)] = 1 - self.modified_features[tuple(best_feature_ix)] self.feature_perturbations.append(tuple(best_feature_ix)) self.structure_perturbations.append(()) surrogate_losses.append(best_feature_score)
# return self.modified_adj, self.modified_features
[docs] def get_attacker_nodes(self, n=5, add_additional_nodes = False): """Determine the influencer nodes to attack node i based on the weights W and the attributes X. """ assert n < self.nnodes-1, "number of influencers cannot be >= number of nodes in the graph!" neighbors = self.ori_adj[self.target_node].nonzero()[1] assert self.target_node not in neighbors potential_edges = np.column_stack((np.tile(self.target_node, len(neighbors)),neighbors)).astype("int32") # The new A_hat_square_uv values that we would get if we removed the edge from u to each of the neighbors, respectively a_hat_uv = self.compute_new_a_hat_uv(potential_edges, self.target_node) # XW = self.compute_XW() XW = self.modified_features @ self.W # compute the struct scores for all neighbors struct_scores = self.struct_score(a_hat_uv, XW) if len(neighbors) >= n: # do we have enough neighbors for the number of desired influencers? influencer_nodes = neighbors[np.argsort(struct_scores)[:n]] if add_additional_nodes: return influencer_nodes, np.array([]) return influencer_nodes else: influencer_nodes = neighbors if add_additional_nodes: # Add additional influencers by connecting them to u first. # Compute the set of possible additional influencers, i.e. all nodes except the ones # that are already connected to u. poss_add_infl = np.setdiff1d(np.setdiff1d(np.arange(self.nnodes),neighbors), self.target_node) n_possible_additional = len(poss_add_infl) n_additional_attackers = n-len(neighbors) possible_edges = np.column_stack((np.tile(self.target_node, n_possible_additional), poss_add_infl)) # Compute the struct_scores for all possible additional influencers, and choose the one # with the best struct score. a_hat_uv_additional = self.compute_new_a_hat_uv(possible_edges, self.target_node) additional_struct_scores = self.struct_score(a_hat_uv_additional, XW) additional_influencers = poss_add_infl[np.argsort(additional_struct_scores)[-n_additional_attackers::]] return influencer_nodes, additional_influencers else: return influencer_nodes
def compute_logits(self): return (self.adj_norm @ self.adj_norm @ self.modified_features @ self.W)[self.target_node] def strongest_wrong_class(self, logits): label_u_onehot = np.eye(self.nclass)[self.label_u] return (logits - 1000*label_u_onehot).argmax()
[docs] def feature_scores(self): """Compute feature scores for all possible feature changes. """ if self.cooc_constraint is None: self.compute_cooccurrence_constraint(self.influencer_nodes) logits = self.compute_logits() best_wrong_class = self.strongest_wrong_class(logits) surrogate_loss = logits[self.label_u] - logits[best_wrong_class] gradient = self.gradient_wrt_x(self.label_u) - self.gradient_wrt_x(best_wrong_class) # gradients_flipped = (gradient * -1).tolil() gradients_flipped = sp.lil_matrix(gradient * -1) gradients_flipped[self.modified_features.nonzero()] *= -1 X_influencers = sp.lil_matrix(self.modified_features.shape) X_influencers[self.influencer_nodes] = self.modified_features[self.influencer_nodes] gradients_flipped = gradients_flipped.multiply((self.cooc_constraint + X_influencers) > 0) nnz_ixs = np.array(gradients_flipped.nonzero()).T sorting = np.argsort(gradients_flipped[tuple(nnz_ixs.T)]).A1 sorted_ixs = nnz_ixs[sorting] grads = gradients_flipped[tuple(nnz_ixs[sorting].T)] scores = surrogate_loss - grads return sorted_ixs[::-1], scores.A1[::-1]
[docs] def compute_cooccurrence_constraint(self, nodes): """ Co-occurrence constraint as described in the paper. Parameters ---------- nodes: np.array Nodes whose features are considered for change Returns ------- np.array [len(nodes), D], dtype bool Binary matrix of dimension len(nodes) x D. A 1 in entry n,d indicates that we are allowed to add feature d to the features of node n. """ words_graph = self.cooc_matrix.copy() D = self.modified_features.shape[1] words_graph.setdiag(0) words_graph = (words_graph > 0) word_degrees = np.sum(words_graph, axis=0).A1 inv_word_degrees = np.reciprocal(word_degrees.astype(float) + 1e-8) sd = np.zeros([self.nnodes]) for n in range(self.nnodes): n_idx = self.modified_features[n, :].nonzero()[1] sd[n] = np.sum(inv_word_degrees[n_idx.tolist()]) scores_matrix = sp.lil_matrix((self.nnodes, D)) for n in nodes: common_words = words_graph.multiply(self.modified_features[n]) idegs = inv_word_degrees[common_words.nonzero()[1]] nnz = common_words.nonzero()[0] scores = np.array([idegs[nnz == ix].sum() for ix in range(D)]) scores_matrix[n] = scores self.cooc_constraint = sp.csr_matrix(scores_matrix - 0.5 * sd[:, None] > 0)
def gradient_wrt_x(self, label): # return[self.target_node][:, label].T) return[self.target_node][:, label].reshape(1, -1))
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset Nettack """ self.modified_adj = self.ori_adj.copy() self.modified_features = self.ori_features.copy() self.structure_perturbations = [] self.feature_perturbations = [] self.influencer_nodes = [] self.potential_edges = [] self.cooc_constraint = None
[docs] def struct_score(self, a_hat_uv, XW): """ Compute structure scores, cf. Eq. 15 in the paper Parameters ---------- a_hat_uv: sp.sparse_matrix, shape [P,2] Entries of matrix A_hat^2_u for each potential edge (see paper for explanation) XW: sp.sparse_matrix, shape [N, K], dtype float The class logits for each node. Returns ------- np.array [P,] The struct score for every row in a_hat_uv """ logits = label_onehot = np.eye(XW.shape[1])[self.label_u] best_wrong_class_logits = (logits - 1000 * label_onehot).max(1) logits_for_correct_class = logits[:,self.label_u] struct_scores = logits_for_correct_class - best_wrong_class_logits return struct_scores
[docs] def compute_new_a_hat_uv(self, potential_edges, target_node): """ Compute the updated A_hat_square_uv entries that would result from inserting/deleting the input edges, for every edge. Parameters ---------- potential_edges: np.array, shape [P,2], dtype int The edges to check. Returns ------- sp.sparse_matrix: updated A_hat_square_u entries, a sparse PxN matrix, where P is len(possible_edges). """ edges = np.array(self.modified_adj.nonzero()).T edges_set = {tuple(x) for x in edges} A_hat_sq = self.adj_norm @ self.adj_norm values_before = A_hat_sq[target_node].toarray()[0] node_ixs = np.unique(edges[:, 0], return_index=True)[1] twohop_ixs = np.array(A_hat_sq.nonzero()).T degrees = self.modified_adj.sum(0).A1 + 1 ixs, vals = compute_new_a_hat_uv(edges, node_ixs, edges_set, twohop_ixs, values_before, degrees, potential_edges.astype(np.int32), target_node) ixs_arr = np.array(ixs) a_hat_uv = sp.coo_matrix((vals, (ixs_arr[:, 0], ixs_arr[:, 1])), shape=[len(potential_edges), self.nnodes]) return a_hat_uv
@jit(nopython=True) def connected_after(u, v, connected_before, delta): if u == v: if delta == -1: return False else: return True else: return connected_before
[docs]@jit(nopython=True) def compute_new_a_hat_uv(edge_ixs, node_nb_ixs, edges_set, twohop_ixs, values_before, degs, potential_edges, u): """ Compute the new values [A_hat_square]_u for every potential edge, where u is the target node. C.f. Theorem 5.1 equation 17. """ N = degs.shape[0] twohop_u = twohop_ixs[twohop_ixs[:, 0] == u, 1] nbs_u = edge_ixs[edge_ixs[:, 0] == u, 1] nbs_u_set = set(nbs_u) return_ixs = [] return_values = [] for ix in range(len(potential_edges)): edge = potential_edges[ix] edge_set = set(edge) degs_new = degs.copy() delta = -2 * ((edge[0], edge[1]) in edges_set) + 1 degs_new[edge] += delta nbs_edge0 = edge_ixs[edge_ixs[:, 0] == edge[0], 1] nbs_edge1 = edge_ixs[edge_ixs[:, 0] == edge[1], 1] affected_nodes = set(np.concatenate((twohop_u, nbs_edge0, nbs_edge1))) affected_nodes = affected_nodes.union(edge_set) a_um = edge[0] in nbs_u_set a_un = edge[1] in nbs_u_set a_un_after = connected_after(u, edge[0], a_un, delta) a_um_after = connected_after(u, edge[1], a_um, delta) for v in affected_nodes: a_uv_before = v in nbs_u_set a_uv_before_sl = a_uv_before or v == u if v in edge_set and u in edge_set and u != v: if delta == -1: a_uv_after = False else: a_uv_after = True else: a_uv_after = a_uv_before a_uv_after_sl = a_uv_after or v == u from_ix = node_nb_ixs[v] to_ix = node_nb_ixs[v + 1] if v < N - 1 else len(edge_ixs) node_nbs = edge_ixs[from_ix:to_ix, 1] node_nbs_set = set(node_nbs) a_vm_before = edge[0] in node_nbs_set a_vn_before = edge[1] in node_nbs_set a_vn_after = connected_after(v, edge[0], a_vn_before, delta) a_vm_after = connected_after(v, edge[1], a_vm_before, delta) mult_term = 1 / np.sqrt(degs_new[u] * degs_new[v]) sum_term1 = np.sqrt(degs[u] * degs[v]) * values_before[v] - a_uv_before_sl / degs[u] - a_uv_before / \ degs[v] sum_term2 = a_uv_after / degs_new[v] + a_uv_after_sl / degs_new[u] sum_term3 = -((a_um and a_vm_before) / degs[edge[0]]) + (a_um_after and a_vm_after) / degs_new[edge[0]] sum_term4 = -((a_un and a_vn_before) / degs[edge[1]]) + (a_un_after and a_vn_after) / degs_new[edge[1]] new_val = mult_term * (sum_term1 + sum_term2 + sum_term3 + sum_term4) return_ixs.append((ix, v)) return_values.append(new_val) return return_ixs, return_values
[docs]def filter_singletons(edges, adj): """ Filter edges that, if removed, would turn one or more nodes into singleton nodes. """ degs = np.squeeze(np.array(np.sum(adj,0))) existing_edges = np.squeeze(np.array(adj.tocsr()[tuple(edges.T)])) if existing_edges.size > 0: edge_degrees = degs[np.array(edges)] + 2*(1-existing_edges[:,None]) - 1 else: edge_degrees = degs[np.array(edges)] + 1 zeros = edge_degrees == 0 zeros_sum = zeros.sum(1) return zeros_sum == 0
[docs]def compute_alpha(n, S_d, d_min): """ Approximate the alpha of a power law distribution. """ return n / (S_d - n * np.log(d_min - 0.5)) + 1
[docs]def update_Sx(S_old, n_old, d_old, d_new, d_min): """ Update on the sum of log degrees S_d and n based on degree distribution resulting from inserting or deleting a single edge. """ old_in_range = d_old >= d_min new_in_range = d_new >= d_min d_old_in_range = np.multiply(d_old, old_in_range) d_new_in_range = np.multiply(d_new, new_in_range) new_S_d = S_old - np.log(np.maximum(d_old_in_range, 1)).sum(1) + np.log(np.maximum(d_new_in_range, 1)).sum(1) new_n = n_old - np.sum(old_in_range, 1) + np.sum(new_in_range, 1) return new_S_d, new_n
[docs]def compute_log_likelihood(n, alpha, S_d, d_min): """ Compute log likelihood of the powerlaw fit. """ return n * np.log(alpha) + n * alpha * np.log(d_min) + (alpha + 1) * S_d
def filter_chisquare(ll_ratios, cutoff): return ll_ratios < cutoff