Source code for deeprobust.graph.targeted_attack.rl_s2v

    Adversarial Attacks on Neural Networks for Graph Data. ICML 2018.
    Author's Implementation
    This part of code is adopted from the author's implementation (Copyright (c) 2018 Dai, Hanjun and Li, Hui and Tian, Tian and Huang, Xin and Wang, Lin and Zhu, Jun and Song, Le)
    but modified to be integrated into the repository.

import os
import sys
import os.path as osp
import numpy as np
import torch
import networkx as nx
import random
from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
from tqdm import tqdm
from copy import deepcopy
from deeprobust.graph.rl.q_net_node import QNetNode, NStepQNetNode, node_greedy_actions
from deeprobust.graph.rl.env import NodeAttackEnv
from deeprobust.graph.rl.nstep_replay_mem import NstepReplayMem

[docs]class RLS2V(object): """ Reinforcement learning agent for RL-S2V attack. Parameters ---------- env : Node attack environment features : node features matrix labels : labels idx_meta : node meta indices idx_test : node test indices list_action_space : list list of action space num_mod : number of modification (perturbation) on the graph reward_type : str type of reward (e.g., 'binary') batch_size : batch size for training DQN save_dir : saving directory for model checkpoints device: str 'cpu' or 'cuda' Examples -------- See details in """ def __init__(self, env, features, labels, idx_meta, idx_test, list_action_space, num_mod, reward_type, batch_size=10, num_wrong=0, bilin_q=1, embed_dim=64, gm='mean_field', mlp_hidden=64, max_lv=1, save_dir='checkpoint_dqn', device=None): assert device is not None, "'device' cannot be None, please specify it" self.features = features self.labels = labels self.idx_meta = idx_meta self.idx_test = idx_test self.num_wrong = num_wrong self.list_action_space = list_action_space self.num_mod = num_mod self.reward_type = reward_type self.batch_size = batch_size self.save_dir = save_dir if not osp.exists(save_dir): os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(save_dir)) = gm self.device = device self.mem_pool = NstepReplayMem(memory_size=500000, n_steps=2 * num_mod, balance_sample=reward_type == 'binary') self.env = env # = QNetNode(features, labels, list_action_space) # self.old_net = QNetNode(features, labels, list_action_space) = NStepQNetNode(2 * num_mod, features, labels, list_action_space, bilin_q=bilin_q, embed_dim=embed_dim, mlp_hidden=mlp_hidden, max_lv=max_lv, gm=gm, device=device) self.old_net = NStepQNetNode(2 * num_mod, features, labels, list_action_space, bilin_q=bilin_q, embed_dim=embed_dim, mlp_hidden=mlp_hidden, max_lv=max_lv, gm=gm, device=device) = self.old_net = self.eps_start = 1.0 self.eps_end = 0.05 self.eps_step = 100000 self.burn_in = 10 self.step = 0 self.pos = 0 self.best_eval = None self.take_snapshot() def take_snapshot(self): self.old_net.load_state_dict( def make_actions(self, time_t, greedy=False): self.eps = self.eps_end + max(0., (self.eps_start - self.eps_end) * (self.eps_step - max(0., self.step)) / self.eps_step) if random.random() < self.eps and not greedy: actions = self.env.uniformRandActions() else: cur_state = self.env.getStateRef() actions, values =, cur_state, None, greedy_acts=True, is_inference=True) actions = list(actions.cpu().numpy()) return actions def run_simulation(self): if (self.pos + 1) * self.batch_size > len(self.idx_test): self.pos = 0 random.shuffle(self.idx_test) selected_idx = self.idx_test[self.pos * self.batch_size : (self.pos + 1) * self.batch_size] self.pos += 1 self.env.setup(selected_idx) t = 0 list_of_list_st = [] list_of_list_at = [] while not self.env.isTerminal(): list_at = self.make_actions(t) list_st = self.env.cloneState() self.env.step(list_at) # TODO Wei added line #87 env = self.env assert (env.rewards is not None) == env.isTerminal() if env.isTerminal(): rewards = env.rewards s_prime = None else: rewards = np.zeros(len(list_at), dtype=np.float32) s_prime = self.env.cloneState() self.mem_pool.add_list(list_st, list_at, rewards, s_prime, [env.isTerminal()] * len(list_at), t) list_of_list_st.append( deepcopy(list_st) ) list_of_list_at.append( deepcopy(list_at) ) t += 1 # if the reward type is nll_loss, directly return if self.reward_type == 'nll': return T = t cands = self.env.sample_pos_rewards(len(selected_idx)) if len(cands): for c in cands: sample_idx, target = c doable = True for t in range(T): if self.list_action_space[target] is not None and (not list_of_list_at[t][sample_idx] in self.list_action_space[target]): doable = False # TODO WHY False? This is only 1-hop neighbour break if not doable: continue for t in range(T): s_t = list_of_list_st[t][sample_idx] a_t = list_of_list_at[t][sample_idx] s_t = [target, deepcopy(s_t[1]), s_t[2]] if t + 1 == T: s_prime = (None, None, None) r = 1.0 term = True else: s_prime = list_of_list_st[t + 1][sample_idx] s_prime = [target, deepcopy(s_prime[1]), s_prime[2]] r = 0.0 term = False self.mem_pool.mem_cells[t].add(s_t, a_t, r, s_prime, term)
[docs] def eval(self, training=True): """Evaluate RL agent. """ self.env.setup(self.idx_meta) t = 0 while not self.env.isTerminal(): list_at = self.make_actions(t, greedy=True) self.env.step(list_at) t += 1 acc = 1 - (self.env.binary_rewards + 1.0) / 2.0 acc = np.sum(acc) / (len(self.idx_meta) + self.num_wrong) print('\033[93m average test: acc %.5f\033[0m' % (acc)) if training == True and self.best_eval is None or acc < self.best_eval: print('----saving to best attacker since this is the best attack rate so far.----'), osp.join(self.save_dir, 'epoch-best.model')) with open(osp.join(self.save_dir, 'epoch-best.txt'), 'w') as f: f.write('%.4f\n' % acc) with open(osp.join(self.save_dir, 'attack_solution.txt'), 'w') as f: for i in range(len(self.idx_meta)): f.write('%d: [' % self.idx_meta[i]) for e in self.env.modified_list[i].directed_edges: f.write('(%d %d)' % e) f.write('] succ: %d\n' % (self.env.binary_rewards[i])) self.best_eval = acc
[docs] def train(self, num_steps=100000, lr=0.001): """Train RL agent. """ pbar = tqdm(range(self.burn_in), unit='batch') for p in pbar: self.run_simulation() pbar = tqdm(range(num_steps), unit='steps') optimizer = optim.Adam(, lr=lr) for self.step in pbar: self.run_simulation() if self.step % 123 == 0: # update the params of old_net self.take_snapshot() if self.step % 500 == 0: self.eval() cur_time, list_st, list_at, list_rt, list_s_primes, list_term = self.mem_pool.sample(batch_size=self.batch_size) list_target = torch.Tensor(list_rt).to(self.device) if not list_term[0]: target_nodes, _, picked_nodes = zip(*list_s_primes) _, q_t_plus_1 = self.old_net(cur_time + 1, list_s_primes, None) _, q_rhs = node_greedy_actions(target_nodes, picked_nodes, q_t_plus_1, self.old_net) list_target += q_rhs # list_target = Variable(list_target.view(-1, 1)) list_target = list_target.view(-1, 1) _, q_sa =, list_st, list_at) q_sa =, dim=0) loss = F.mse_loss(q_sa, list_target) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() pbar.set_description('eps: %.5f, loss: %0.5f, q_val: %.5f' % (self.eps, loss, torch.mean(q_sa)) )
# print('eps: %.5f, loss: %0.5f, q_val: %.5f' % (self.eps, loss, torch.mean(q_sa)) )