Source code for deeprobust.image.attack.lbfgs

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import scipy.optimize as so
import numpy as np
import torch.nn.functional as F #233

from deeprobust.image.attack.base_attack import BaseAttack

[docs]class LBFGS(BaseAttack): """ LBFGS is the first adversarial generating algorithm. """ def __init__(self, model, device = 'cuda' ): super(LBFGS, self).__init__(model, device)
[docs] def generate(self, image, label, target_label, **kwargs): """ Call this function to generate adversarial examples. Parameters ---------- image : original image label : target label kwargs : user defined paremeters """ assert self.check_type_device(image, label) assert self.parse_params(**kwargs) self.target_label = target_label adv_img= optimize(self.model, self.image, self.label, self.target_label, self.bounds, self.epsilon, self.maxiter, self.class_num, self.device) return adv_img
def distance(self): return self.dist def loss(self): return self.loss
[docs] def parse_params(self, clip_max = 1, clip_min = 0, class_num = 10, epsilon = 1e-5, #step of finding initial c maxiter = 20, #maximum of iteration in lbfgs optimization ): """ Parse the user defined parameters. Parameters ---------- clip_max : maximum pixel value clip_min : minimum pixel value class_num : total number of class epsilon : step length for binary seach maxiter : maximum number of iterations """ self.epsilon = epsilon self.maxiter = maxiter self.class_num = class_num self.bounds = (clip_min, clip_max) return True
def optimize(model, image, label, target_label, bounds, epsilon, maxiter, class_num, device): x_t = image x0 = image[0].to('cpu').detach().numpy() min_, max_ = bounds target_dist = torch.tensor(target_label) target_dist = target_dist.unsqueeze_(0).long().to(device) # store the shape for later and operate on the flattened input shape = x0.shape dtype = x0.dtype x0 = x0.flatten().astype(np.float64) n = len(x0) bounds = [(min_, max_)] * n def loss(x, c): #calculate the target function v1 = (torch.norm(torch.from_numpy(x0) - x)) **2 x = torch.tensor(x.astype(dtype).reshape(shape)) x = x.unsqueeze_(0).float().to(device) predict = model(x) v2 = F.nll_loss(predict, target_dist) v = c * v1 + v2 #print(v) return np.float64(v) def lbfgs_b(c): #initial the variables approx_grad_eps = (max_ - min_) / 100 print('in lbfgs_b:', 'c =', c) #start optimization optimize_output, f, d = so.fmin_l_bfgs_b( loss, x0, args=(c,), approx_grad = True, bounds = bounds, m = 15, maxiter = maxiter, factr = 1e10, #optimization accuracy maxls = 5, epsilon = approx_grad_eps, iprint = 11) print('finish optimization') # LBFGS-B does not always exactly respect the boundaries if np.amax(optimize_output) > max_ or np.amin(optimize_output) < min_: # pragma: no coverage'Input out of bounds (min, max = {}, {}). Performing manual clip.'.format( np.amin(optimize_output), np.amax(optimize_output))) optimize_output = np.clip(optimize_output, min_, max_) #is_adversarial = pending_attack(target_model = model, adv_exp = optimize_output, target_label = target_label) # pending if the attack success optimize_output = optimize_output.reshape(shape).astype(dtype) optimize_output = torch.from_numpy(optimize_output) optimize_output = optimize_output.unsqueeze_(0).float().to(device) predict1 = model(optimize_output) label = predict1.argmax(dim=1, keepdim=True) if label == target_label: is_adversarial = True print('can find adversarial example with current c.') else: is_adversarial = False print('could not find adversarial example with current c.') return optimize_output, is_adversarial # finding initial c c = epsilon print('finding initial c:') for i in range(30): c = 2 * c x_new, is_adversarial = lbfgs_b(c) if is_adversarial == False: break print('initial c:', c) print('start binary search:') x_new, is_adversarial = lbfgs_b(0) if is_adversarial == False: # pragma: no cover print('Could not find an adversarial;') return print('c_high:',c) # binary search c_low = 0 c_high = c while c_high - c_low >= epsilon: print(c_high,' ',c_low) c_half = (c_low + c_high) / 2 x_new, is_adversarial = lbfgs_b(c_half) if is_adversarial: c_low = c_half else: c_high = c_half x_new, is_adversarial = lbfgs_b(c_low) dis = ( torch.norm(x_new.reshape(shape) - x0.reshape(shape)) ) **2 x_new = x_new.flatten().numpy() mintargetfunc = loss(x_new.astype(np.float64), c_low) x_new = x_new.astype(dtype) x_new = x_new.reshape(shape) x_new = torch.from_numpy(x_new).unsqueeze_(0).float().to(device) return x_new