Source code for deeprobust.image.attack.onepixel

import numpy as np

import argparse

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn

import torchvision
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from torch.autograd import Variable

from deeprobust.image.optimizer import differential_evolution
from deeprobust.image.attack.base_attack import BaseAttack
from deeprobust.image.utils import progress_bar

[docs]class Onepixel(BaseAttack): """ Onepixel attack is an algorithm that allow attacker to only manipulate one (or a few) pixel to mislead classifier. This is a re-implementation of One pixel attack. Copyright (c) 2018 Debang Li References ---------- Akhtar, N., & Mian, A. (2018).Threat of Adversarial Attacks on Deep Learning in Computer Vision: A Survey: A Survey. IEEE Access, 6, 14410-14430. Reference code: """ def __init__(self, model, device = 'cuda'): super(Onepixel, self).__init__(model, device)
[docs] def generate(self, image, label, **kwargs): """ Call this function to generate Onepixel adversarial examples. Parameters ---------- image :1*3*W*H original image label : target label kwargs : user defined paremeters """ label = label.type(torch.FloatTensor) ## check and parse parameters for attack assert self.check_type_device(image, label) assert self.parse_params(**kwargs) return self.one_pixel(self.image, self.label, self.targeted_attack, self.pixels, self.maxiter, self.popsize, self.print_log)
def get_pred(): return self.adv_pred
[docs] def parse_params(self, pixels = 1, maxiter = 100, popsize = 400, samples = 100, targeted_attack = False, print_log = True, target = 0): """ Parse the user-defined params. Parameters ---------- pixels : maximum number of manipulated pixels maxiter : maximum number of iteration popsize : population size samples : samples targeted_attack : targeted attack or not print_log : Set print_log = True to print out details in the searching algorithm target : target label (if targeted attack is set to be True) """ self.pixels = pixels self.maxiter = maxiter self.popsize = popsize self.samples = samples self.targeted_attack = targeted_attack self.print_log = print_log = target return True
def one_pixel(self, img, label, targeted_attack = False, target = 0, pixels = 1, maxiter = 75, popsize = 400, print_log = False): # label: a number target_calss = target if targeted_attack else label bounds = [(0,32), (0,32), (0,255), (0,255), (0,255)] * pixels popmul = max(1, popsize/len(bounds)) predict_fn = lambda xs: predict_classes( xs, img, target_calss, self.model, targeted_attack, self.device) callback_fn = lambda x, convergence: attack_success( x, img, target_calss, self.model, targeted_attack, print_log, self.device) inits = np.zeros([popmul*len(bounds), len(bounds)]) for init in inits: for i in range(pixels): init[i*5+0] = np.random.random()*32 init[i*5+1] = np.random.random()*32 init[i*5+2] = np.random.normal(128,127) init[i*5+3] = np.random.normal(128,127) init[i*5+4] = np.random.normal(128,127) attack_result = differential_evolution(predict_fn, bounds, maxiter = maxiter, popsize = popmul, recombination = 1, atol = -1, callback = callback_fn, polish = False, init = inits) attack_image = perturb_image(attack_result.x, img) attack_var = Variable(attack_image, volatile=True).cuda() predicted_probs = F.softmax(self.model(attack_var)).data.cpu().numpy()[0] predicted_class = np.argmax(predicted_probs) if (not targeted_attack and predicted_class != label) or (targeted_attack and predicted_class == target_calss): self.adv_pred = predicted_class return attack_image return [None]
def perturb_image(xs, img): if xs.ndim < 2: xs = np.array([xs]) batch = len(xs) imgs = img.repeat(batch, 1, 1, 1) xs = xs.astype(int) count = 0 for x in xs: pixels = np.split(x, len(x)/5) for pixel in pixels: x_pos, y_pos, r, g, b = pixel imgs[count, 0, x_pos, y_pos] = (r/255.0-0.4914)/0.2023 imgs[count, 1, x_pos, y_pos] = (g/255.0-0.4822)/0.1994 imgs[count, 2, x_pos, y_pos] = (b/255.0-0.4465)/0.2010 count += 1 return imgs def predict_classes(xs, img, target_calss, net, minimize=True, device = 'cuda'): imgs_perturbed = perturb_image(xs, img.clone()).to(device) predictions = F.softmax(net(imgs_perturbed)).data.cpu().numpy()[:, target_calss] return predictions if minimize else 1 - predictions def attack_success(x, img, target_calss, net, targeted_attack = False, print_log=False, device = 'cuda'): attack_image = perturb_image(x, img.clone()).to(device) confidence = F.softmax(net(attack_image)).data.cpu().numpy()[0] pred = np.argmax(confidence) if (print_log): print("Confidence: %.4f"%confidence[target_calss]) if (targeted_attack and pred == target_calss) or (not targeted_attack and pred != target_calss): return True